The filming for Against the Norm was amazing. I could tell from the beginning we had an amazing crew and cast as everybody on the day of rehearsals greeted me by saying they loved my script. This for me is very important. To work on a film and enjoy it, first of all you must like the script and then the director and most of all, the team. I feel that we had all these components to make a very successful film.
I could tell from looking around me that the crew we had assembled were too in many cases, Against the Norm. The crew was made of Black, Caucasian, Asian, Gay, Lesbian and many different nationalities from around the world. This for me was the beauty of the film. The actual message from the script had jumped from the page not only onto the screen but also into our set. I believe the idea of not conforming to the norm was a huge factor for when some of the crew accepted their roles.
I look forward to seeing our film and the trailer should be released very soon.